Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Grandma's flower pot now holds my petunias (or so I thought)


The other day I posted these two photographs, intending to create a simple blog about this flower pot.
To make a long story short, I was studying the photographs after I posted this when it occurred to me that this is NOT the same pot.
All of these years I have believed the pot that holds the petunias was the same pot that sat on the flower bed ledge of my late grandparents' house at 1028 Belford Street in Caldwell, Ohio.
I'm sad about this.
But it doesn't mean the pot on the bottom is not also from my grandparents house. I just can't remember where it came from.
My pot is a beauty.  It's old but in great condition. I love the design and the colors.
The pot on the top had a tray too, it appears.
Those are oranges. My grandmother's sister lived in Florida and I think they brought home the orange tree.
I don't remember eating any of the fruit.
I just remember the pot.